Costa Rica, Pura Vida

Costa Rica, Dipsadidae, Imantodes, Reptiles, Serpents, Trips

Costa Rica is a hot spot of biodiversity, rich of a wide variety of species, especially for Amphibians and Reptiles. A visit of the country in January 2012, over a period of three weeks, gave us a superb overview.
This naturalistic trip began with the visit of the northeastern part of the country, relatively dry and showing a specific herpetofauna. It continued on the east coast, heading south, until reaching the famous Corcovado.
In the center of the country, the Chirripo mountain reaches 3800 meters, and shows some species adapted to these extreme altitudes. The trip ended with an ascent along the west coast of the country.


In total, over one hundred species of amphibians and reptiles could be encountered in three weeks. Less than a quarter of the herpetological diversity of the country! A whole life would not suffice to discover everything there…





About the author: ATHERIS

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